Gambaran Umum
H Beam Production Line adalah sebuah sistem produksi atau jalur produksi yang dirancang khusus untuk memproduksi balok H (H beam) secara massal. Balok H adalah jenis balok baja struktural yang memiliki penampang berbentuk huruf “H” dan digunakan secara luas dalam industri konstruksi untuk membangun struktur baja yang kuat, seperti jembatan, gedung bertingkat, dan struktur lainnya.
H Beam Production Line terdiri dari sejumlah mesin dan peralatan yang bekerja bersama untuk memproses bahan baku menjadi balok H siap pakai. Jalur produksi ini biasanya mencakup mesin pemotongan, mesin pengelasan, mesin pengeboran, dan mesin lainnya yang diperlukan untuk memotong, membentuk, dan menyambungkan komponen-komponen balok H.
Proses produksi dimulai dengan memotong bahan baku berupa plat baja menjadi ukuran yang sesuai. Kemudian, plat-plat tersebut diarahkan melalui mesin pengelasan untuk menggabungkannya menjadi balok H. Selanjutnya, mesin pengeboran digunakan untuk membuat lubang-lubang pada balok H sesuai dengan kebutuhan desain.
H Beam Production Line biasanya dirancang dengan menggunakan teknologi otomatisasi dan komputerisasi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi produksi dan akurasi dimensi. Sistem kontrol komputer memainkan peran penting dalam mengendalikan setiap langkah produksi dan memastikan konsistensi produk akhir.
Dengan menggunakan H Beam Production Line, produsen dapat menghasilkan balok H dengan cepat, efisien, dan dalam jumlah besar, sehingga memenuhi permintaan pasar yang tinggi dalam industri konstruksi.
Dalam H Beam Production Line, beberapa tahapan produksi yang umum meliputi:
- Pemotongan Bahan Baku: Lembaran baja atau plat baja dipotong menjadi ukuran yang sesuai menggunakan mesin pemotong, seperti mesin pemotong laser atau mesin gergaji otomatis. Proses pemotongan ini dilakukan berdasarkan desain dan spesifikasi yang telah ditentukan.
- Pengelasan: Setelah dipotong, plat-plat baja yang telah disesuaikan ukurannya diarahkan ke mesin pengelasan. Mesin pengelasan akan menggabungkan plat-plat tersebut secara otomatis menggunakan metode pengelasan yang sesuai, seperti pengelasan dengan busur listrik atau pengelasan laser. Proses pengelasan ini bertujuan untuk membentuk balok H dengan kekuatan dan kekokohan yang optimal.
- Pengeboran: Setelah proses pengelasan, balok H dipindahkan ke mesin pengeboran. Mesin ini akan membuat lubang-lubang pada balok H sesuai dengan desain yang diperlukan. Lubang-lubang ini penting untuk memasang baut dan sambungan lainnya saat balok H digunakan dalam konstruksi.
- Penyelesaian dan Inspeksi: Setelah selesai melalui proses pengeboran, balok H melalui tahap penyelesaian, yang meliputi pembersihan, pengecatan, dan pelapisan permukaan lainnya. Setelah itu, balok H menjalani inspeksi kualitas untuk memastikan bahwa dimensi, kekuatan, dan keandalan balok H sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan.
- Penyimpanan dan Pengiriman: Setelah melewati tahap inspeksi dan dikemas dengan baik, balok H siap untuk disimpan di gudang atau dikirim ke pelanggan. Balok H yang telah diproduksi dapat digunakan dalam berbagai proyek konstruksi.
H Beam Production Line memungkinkan produksi balok H dalam skala massal dengan presisi yang tinggi. Mesin dan peralatan yang terlibat dalam jalur produksi ini dapat disesuaikan dan ditingkatkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan spesifik produsen dan permintaan pasar. Dengan demikian, jalur produksi ini memberikan efisiensi tinggi, peningkatan produktivitas, dan konsistensi kualitas dalam produksi balok H.
Contoh Spesifikasi mesin H Beam merk PERFECT
Technical Instruction
1. Summary
Our company is an experienced h beam production line manufacturer with 10 years.After many years’ development ,H beam production line that we manufacture has compact structure,advanced functions and reliable quality. It is highly spoken of by customer because of its high automation.We also can design suitable h beam production line according to client’s workshop and work piece with low price,reliable quality and thinkable service
2. H Beam Manufacturing Process
Blasting |
Assembling |
Cutting |
Welding |
Straightening |
Painting |
3. Manufacture Machines
3.1.1 Technical Parameters:
● Rail span: 4000mm(dual drive)
● Cutting valid: 3200mm
● Railway length: 14000mm
● Valid cutting length: 12000mm
● Cutting speed: 50-1000mm/min(Adjustable)
● Retracting speed: 4000mm/min
● Cutting thickness: 6-100mm
● CNC flame cutting torch: 1 set(automatic ignition )
● Straight flame cutting torch: 9 sets
● Cutting surface roughness: Ra12.5-25
● Cutting precision: ±0.5mm/1000mm
● Transmit method: gear and rack
● Cutting power: acetylene or propane,oxygen
● Power request: 1.5kw
3.1.2 Characters
For meeting with requirement in competitive market.Our company developed cnc series cutting machine,and it has High level,middle level and low level.And every level can be equipped with plasma cutting,torch height adjusting parts etc.CNC-3000 cnc/multi-cutting head is some kind of economical type of our company.This machine is mainly used in cutting metal.And its quite multifunctional, high automation,advanced configuration,high cutting precision,good quality and high stability.Cnc system and servo system adopts international famous brand.Its very easy to operate ,and its perfect machine for cutting
3.1.3 Beijing Starfire SH-2200 CNC System
SH-2200H-QG Beijing Starfire CNC system adopts industrial grade ARM7 main processing chip;
The system provides 16 optically isolated inputs and 14 optically isolated outputs;
Number of axes: 2 axes, can be extended to 4 axes;
Pulse equivalent: electronic gear numerator, denominator setting range (1 to 65535);
User program memory space: 16M ~ 32M;
Chassis Dimensions: 410 × 310 × 119 (mm);
Operating temperature 0 ℃ ~ + 40 ℃;
Storage temperature -40 ℃ ~ + 60 ℃;
● Operating temperature: 0 ℃ ~ 50 ℃
● Storage temperature: -40 ℃ ~ 60 ℃
● Relative humidity: 5% ~ 90%, 40 ℃ no condensation
● Anti-vibration: 5-17Hz, 0.1 “double amplitude displacement; 17-640Hz, 1.5G peak – peak acceleration coefficient l shock: 10G acceleration shock (11mesc, duration) of the control system is a universal cutting machine CNC system designed for shape cutting machine the design. use MFC VC ++ and technology, people-machine interface more user-friendly, so that the operating system is more convenient to use.
System features
● SH-2200H-QG cutting machine CNC system is suitable for all types of flame / plasma, high-pressure water jet, laser cutting machine, widely used in metal processing, advertising, stone and other industries.
● The system is highly reliable design, plasma with anti-interference, lightning and surge capability.
● Practical flame / plasma cutting process, when do plasma processing, auto-complete corner speed control, and increase control;can use wireless remote control for remote operation.
● Have slotted compensation function and check if compensation is reasonable and make appropriate reports for users to choose;
● Breakpoint recovery, automatic power recovery feature, breakpoints automatic memory;
● Arbitrarily selected and piercing point processing function;
● Have the extension perforation feature applied to thick plates, and bypass function for thin plates;
● Back, excerpts, breakpoint recovery, can choose perforation position and other functions as option, which is greatly convenient for user operation;
● Ready to transfer cutting;
● Adopt a special small line processing capabilities, walking smoothly, can be widely used in advertising materials, iron etc.
● Containing 24 kinds of graphics (scalable and customized) parts library, including the common basic machining parts;
● Fully compatible with a variety of nesting software, such as: IBE (Germany), FASTCAM etc;
● English and Chinese version, dynamic graphic display, 1 to 8 times the graphics zoom, fixed point of automatic tracking, adopt U disk to read the program and timely software upgrades.
3.1.4 Japan Panasonic servo system
Panasonic whole digital vector AC servo system:
- AC servo motor has small volume, big output torque, quick response, adopted incremental pulse coder as the position feedback and speed feedback component, convenient installation and beautiful appearance.
- The driver adopted whole digital, power and control logical conformity modular structure. Wide range, simple wiring, stable performance and convenient operation
- Whole software parameter set, including increment, time constant, zero drift compensation, speed-up or down, torque limit, position feedback change and auto increment adjustment to guarantee the response, precision and stability of machine.
- It has protecting function of over current, over voltage, under voltage, over speed and limit.
3.1.5 Australia FastCAM auto-nesting software
FastCAM have 30-years R&D history and famous brand in the world cutting industry. FastCAM shipbuilding version software is designed especially for shipyard for nesting and programming for Gas & Plasma bevel cutting machine. It is easy to convert Tribon and Hudong shipbuilding files into different NC cutting files with bevels.
Main functions of FastCAM shipbuilding software:
1)CAD drawing: similar to AutoCAD, to draw all kinds of parts without AutoCAD experience
2)CAD compatible and Optimizer: to read in and optimize DXF/DWG files by delete, compress, extract, explode
3)Tribon convert: auto convert Tribon.GEN files into different NC cutting format.
4)Hudong convert: auto convert Hudong Dongxin DAT files into different NC cutting format.
5)Bevel programming: simply edit V, Y, X, Y bevel model to generate bevel NC cutting files.
6)Cutting functions: Kerf compensation, plasma bridge, corners, CAD layers, word label
7)Manual nesting: Up, down, left and right, turning.
8)Automatic nesting in a row or in a matrix
9)Fully automatic true shape nesting
10)Interactive nesting combined auto and manual nesting by integrating human beings experience and wisdom.
11)Remnant nesting for irregular remnant or parts
12)Auto common-line nesting: common line nesting and edge cutting, reduce piercing, and increase productivity.
13)Bridge cutting and continue cutting: realize continually cutting, reduce piercing and saving consumables.
14)Bevel nesting: realize bevel parts auto nesting with normal no-bevel parts and continue cutting.
15)Automatic & manual program: including cutting routine, marking, word printing, multi-layer cutting, bevel cutting
16)Support multiple CNC control: ESSI & EIA G/M code, and overseas and local controllers
17)Techniques: kerf comp., pre-pierce, stitch& tag cutting
18)NC Verification: automatic & manual simulation, dimension and kerf compensation verification
19)Costing: utilization, cut length, pierce & cutting cost
20)Transfer NC files to CAM/DXF/DWG files, and convert NC files for different cutting machine.
FastCAM Support: Windows98/2000/NT/XP/Vista
FastCAM support multi-language: Chinese/ English/ German/
French/Spanish/Polish/Korea/Czech/Russian/Japanese etc.
3.1.6 The main body
The main body adopts Box structure,its very compact and good-looking.There is horizontal guiding roller on profile drive motor,It reduces degree of pressure between main body and railway.So that main body can moves very smoothly.There is also cleaning parts on two sides of drivers,it can clean sundries while main body moves.Beam adopts stress relief box welding structure,rail of beam adopts precision steel ,it has characters of high precision,light weight,its more convenient to cutting fast.
3.1.7 Cnc torch height adjusting
Elevating of cnc torches are controlled by elevating motor,high precision reducer box,high precision leading screw.We use guiding leading screw rod to position to make sure cutting torch is on the same vertical that we can make sure cutting quality.There is electrical limit switch protection,external dust cover within valid elevating stroke.Its reasonable structure,flexible and reliable,High precision positioning,and it also can controlled by manual
3.1.8 Gas system
Including pressure adjusting valve,pressure meter,gas pipe and corresponding accessory .It adopts centralized control ,it also adopts imported high heatproof pipe and gas covering to distribute gas to every torch to make sure safety
3.1.9 Supply scope
● Main body:Including beam,longitudinal drive ,transverse drive reducer boxes ,gear ,rack,control box,High-voltage box,1 sets cnc flame cutting torches,9 straight single cutting torches,Transverse chain and corresponding cables
● Longitudinal railway:including 14 m*2m main railway and accessory.fixing railway according to actual requirement.railway is made of 24kg/m high strength tracks.and it takes high precision track grinder ,
● Longitudinal rack is made of high precision machine,its unit length is 1000mm;
● Control system :1 set,including AC contactor,middle relay,on/off power,limited switch,all machine cables and plug,control panel and switch button
● Gas system:1 unit,including main electric magnetic valve,cutting gun electric magnetic valve(Taiwan Sunwell brand),gas power panel,pressure adjusting valve(Korea SKP),pressure meter,oxygen pipe,gas pipe and interface
● Manual instructions:1 unit, including EDGE II system instruction,Panasonic servo driver instruction book,Manual instructions for machine and electric instructions(Electric principle diagram)
● Spare abrasion parts:11 0#-1# cutting mouth ,2 buttons,3 switches,2 DC-24V Middle relay,1 longitudinal gear
3.1.10 Parts made or prepared by users
a.Cutting platform, hanging line support frame, track base frame (drawing supplied by provider)
b.Foundation (drawing supplied by provider)
c.Foundation bolt (or expansion bolt)
3.1.11 Main configurations:
- Cnc controller system(software) SH-2200 system(FASTCAM)
- Flame single cutting torch 1 set+9 straight single cutting torches
- Vertical and horizontal drive way Japan Panasonic high precision servomotor
- Transmit way gear and rack transmits
- Longitudinal drive system Japan Panasonic (power :750w*2)
- Transverse drive system Japan Panasonic (power :400w*1)
- Vertical and horizontal gear reducer box Taiwan Felix
- Elevating motor Taiwan brand
- Cutting gun electrical magnetic valve Italy CEME
- Transverse chain Korea
- Cutting torch,gas system wuxi auto
- Gas pipe Italy FITT
3.1.12 More photos for our cnc flame cutting machine
3.1.13 Detailed photos for cnc flame cutting machine
Instructions for drawing :1—main frame 2—pull rod centring device 3—input rolls 4—Output rolls 5—Electric control system 6—Hydraulic system
3.2.1 Technical parameters
● Web beam height: 200—1500mm
● Web beam thickness: 6—32mm
● Flange beam width: 200—800mm
● Flange beam thickness: 6—40mm
● H beam length: 4000—15000mm
● Assembling speed: 0.5—8m/min
● Input roll: 3000mm×3
● Output roll: 3000mm×3
● Adjust method: AC converter
● Power: 9 Kw
3.2.2 Characters
Z15 h beam assembly machine is designed through big mount of investigation of users.Its completely automatic assembling with high assembly precision,fast assembly speed,and technology is stable,its already produced in batch.
It adopts synchronous control for web beam and flange beam’s clamping and centering,There are two sets of clamping device for web beam and flange beam.And they are all controlled by hydraulic pump.
There is a special device on top of frame to make sure web beam and flange beam centering while assembling.
3.2.3 Supply scope
● Assembly machine :main machine,gantry bracket,flange synchrony clamping system,main transmit motor and reducer etc
● Input rolls :drive and idler rolls 3000mm*3 sets and 2 sets bar system
● Output rolls:drive and idler rolls 3000mm*3 sets
● Hydraulic system :oil pumping stations,high pressure rubber tube and 6 hydraulic pots etc
● Electrical system :electric cabinet,Electric control panel ,AC inverter(Taiwan)
● Manual spot welding system:1 sets CO2 NB-350A Chengdu Huayuan welding sources etc.
● Spare parts :3 buttons,2 HH54PDC24V relay, three 4A and 6A fusible core
● Instruction book(including electrical principle diagram,Hydraulic pump principle diagram,easy abrasion list etc)
● Inverter instruction book ,Hydraulic pump instruction book
● qualified certificate,shipping list,pedestal diagram
3.2.4 Manufactured and prepared by users
a.Foundation (foundation drawing will be provided by seller)
b.Foundation bolt
3.2.5 Main configurations
- Inverter Taiwan“T-VERTER”
- Motors China brand(Qualified)
- Reducer China brand(Qualified)
- Bearing Wafangdian(Best quality in China)
- CO2 Welding source Famous China brand
- Table roller 45# seamless tube steel
- Electric parts Siemens
- Oil pump China brand(Qualified)
- Electric control system PERFECT Machinery
3.2.6 More photos for our h beam assembly machine
3.3.1 Technical Parameters
● Flange beam width: 200—800mm
● Web beam height: 200—1500mm
● h beam length: 4000—15000mm
● Rail span: 4000mm
● Railway length: 18000mm
● Welding speed: 240—1000mm/min
● Welding position: Vessel welding
● Welding wire: 3.2—5mm
● Flux Recovery: 50kg × 2
● Power: 9Kw
● Submerged welding machine power:100KVA*2 sets
3.3.2 Characters
This machine is designed according to special character of vessel welding,its mainly consist of Gantry frame,slide structure,welding gun tracking device,Flux recovery system,electrical control system and Submerged welding machine.
Gantry frame is main part of machine,Advanced and reasonable design,Main components are specially proceeded after welding,it runs with reliable ability,and it also has long using time.Walking structure is controlled two AC inverter motors and they are synchronous.There is rolls structure between railway and frame ,it makes sure safety of running and smooth.
There is h beam guiding for h beam vessel welding.This guiding device adopts three axis tracking system,are pressure for up and down tracking and floating for left and right tracking,also there is welding gun adjusting device to make sure welding gun at right welding position
There is a flux recovery system,flux floats to unwelded joint through flux funnel to make sure normal welding.Recovery pipe collects flux behind welding gun.Then Flux will be circularly used
Submerged welding power is set on Gantry frame ,so that we can use less control cable and welding cable,also it has short respond character.Control panel is set at columns at two sides,its very convenient to operate .Welding cables distribution adopts imported chain,its quite beautiful external.Walking motor adopts VFD adjusting,Speed digital show,Power of welding machine and frame walking are synchronously controlled.We use Siemens breaker for motor of welding arm and recovery motor,it has excellent character and reliable
3.3.3 Supply scope
● Gantry structure:gantry frame,walking structure,motorized slide structure,wire reel bracket,weld wire feeder accessory etc
● Welding boom and carriage :welding boom,mechanical transmit structure and corresponding accessory (two sets)
● Arc guiding structure:including welding gun manual adjust structure,arc guiding frame,welding gun and gas pulling machinery adjust structure (2 sets)
● Flux recover system :100kg flux recover machine and corresponding accessory
● Electric control system :electric control board,AC inverter(tai wan),control box,light ,warming lights etc.
● Welding system :2 sets DC-1000A Chengdu Huayuan Submerged arc welding machines ,wire feeder etc
● Cable system :includes Control cable,Welding cable(about 4*30 m),Frame control cable(about 4*8 m),cable slide bracket (about 20 m) ,Welding source cable (about 2 *30 m)
● Spare parts:eight Conductive tsui ,three fuses , three push button switch ,two 10A molten core
● instruction book(including electrical principle diagram,Gas circuit diagram)
● Inverter instruction book ,flux recover machine instruction book,submerged arc welding machine instruction book,
● Qualified certificate,shipping list,pedestal diagram etc.
3.3.4 Prepared by customer
a.Guide track 24kg/m, pressing plate and foundation bolt .etc.
b.hanging line support(drawing will be provided by seller) holder(drawing will be provided by seller) will be provided by seller)
3.3.5 Main configurations
- Inverter: Tai Wan
- wire feeding motor Nan tong Zhengkang
- Electrical components Siemens
- Walking motors Zhengbo (Chinese famous brand)
- Motor and reducer China qualified brand
- SAW welding source Famous China brand
- Flux recovery system Wuxi Liantong brand
- Electric control system PERFECT Machinery
3.3.6 More photos for our h beam welding machine
3.3.7 Detailed photos for h beam welding machine
3.4 HYJ-800 H Beam Straightening Machine
3.4.1 Applications
During h beam welding,welding joint it easy to be out of shape.H beam flange straightening machine is for straightening crooked flange beam,and its quite convenient to operate,fast straightening speed,good straightening quality.Its widely used in metallurgy construction,metal structure,machinery etc
3.4.2 Technical parameters
● Flange max thickness: S=40mm
● Flange width: b=180-800mm
● Web beam min height: h=160mm
● Straightening speed: ≈13m/min
● Machine power: 15.2Kw,
Note:Thickness and width should follow sheet below,Material is Q235-A
Flange beam thickness(mm) | ~22 | 22~28 | 30~35 | 35~40 |
Flange beam width(mm) | 200~800 | 350~800 | 500~800 | 600~800 |
3.4.3 Characters
HYJ-800 H beam flange straightening machine is developed by our company in 1993,Its main transmit system adopts 11kw big power and cycloid reducer,high efficient transmit,fast straightening speed,And all straightening rolls are made of excellent quality alloy to make sure long using time and safety,and there is a control panel on surface of main body ,its very convenient to operate
3.4.4 Supply scope
● Straightening machine:pedestal ,bracket,motor ,reducer,straightening rolls,pressure rolls,guiding rolls,auxiliary pressure rolls etc.
● Input rolls:input and output rolls are both 3.5*2 m
● Electrical control:electrical control panel,remote control box and corresponding accessory
● Spare parts:including special spanner 1 set,switch buttons 2 sets
● Technical files:instruction book(electrical principle diagram,easy-abrasion diagram),shipping list,qualified certificate etc.
3.4.5 Main configurations
- Table roller 45# seamless tube steel
- Motors China brand(Qualified)
- Reducer China brand(Qualified)
- Electric control system PERFECT Machinery
- Electric parts Siemens
- Straightening roller 45# steel with quenching and forging
- Pressure roller 45# steel with quenching
- Bearing Wa Fang Dian(Best brand in China)
3.4.6 More photos for our h beam straightening machine
3.4.7 Detailed photos for h beam straightening machine
4. Application Photos For h Beam Production Line
5. Project Photos For h Beam Production Line
6. Packing And Shipping Photos For h Beam Production Line
7. Power Request For h Beam Production Line
Cnc Flame Cutting Machine | |||
No. | Item | Power request | Notes |
1 | Longitudinal drive motor | 2*0.75 kw | |
2 | Transverse drive motor | 0.4 kw | |
3 | Electrical control part | 0.3 kw | |
Total | 2.1 kw | ||
H Beam Assembly Machine | |||
No. | Item | Power request | Notes |
1 | Main transmitting motor | 5.5 kw | |
2 | Oil pump motor | 4 kw | |
3 | Electrical control part | 1 kw | |
4 | CO2 welding sources | 7 kw | |
Total | 17.5 kw | ||
H Beam Welding Machine | |||
No. | Item | Power request | Notes |
1 | Walking motors | 2*1.1 kw | |
2 | Flux recovery system | 2*3 kw | |
3 | Welding arm elevating motor | 2*0.75 kw | |
4 | Welding arm vertical motor | 2*0.75 kw | |
5 | Electrical control part | 2 kw | |
6 | Saw welding sources | 2*35 kw | |
Total | 83.2 kw | ||
H Beam Straightening Machine | |||
No. | Item | Power request | Notes |
1 | Elevating motor | 2*2.2 kw | |
2 | Main transmitting motor | 11 kw | |
Total | 15.4 kw |
1.Totally it requires 118.2 kw for complete h beam production line in maximum condition.
2.Usually if all machines work at the same time in normal condition,it only requires about 105 kw.
8. After-Sales Service
If during warranty period:
1. If any damage for accessories or spare parts,we will provide for free.
2. If any damage for machine and machine doesn’t work,we will send our engineer to repair. But customer needs to pay flight tickets,food and living.
If beyond warranty period:
1. If any damage for accessories or spare parts,we will provide for free.But customer needs to pay freight charge.
2. If any damage for machine and machine doesn’t work,we will send our engineer to repair. But customer needs to pay flight tickets,food,living and Salary (USD 100 per day).
If you have question, please feel free to contact me Phone +6281906686988 or email